Oh my God was this one tough. I came up with it while I was in Chicago visiting my family. I did it and thought I would pass out!! After it was all over, of course I was ok but I thought to myself "this has to be cause I have been eating and sleeping like crap". So I did it again when I got back and same thing!! Not AS bad, but still bad ass! I challenge you to this one!!! I got my heart rate up to 179 several times (my max is about 189) and finished in 27:25 (with several short breaks). If you are a beginner, be safe!!! Take several breaks or just do one set.
1. 25 Explosive Squat Jacks
start in a crouched postion with hips back squatting and hugging the knees, jump out into a jumping jack, come back down into low crouched squat postion; to modify squat down low as you can and come up without the jump reaching for the ceiling.
2. 25 In and Out Pikes
start in pike positon with hands wide on floor and butt up in air, legs straight with feet together, abs tight, jump legs apart wide then jump them in wide towards your hands (keep your abs very tight and your butt will be even higher in the air, like and upside down V), jump legs back wide, then jump feet together back to start; that was 1 rep. To modify avoid the jumps and just step in, out and back.
3. 15 Three Angle Pushups
start in a regular pushup position, do one pushup then jump your feet in towards your hands, jump to the left (leaving hands where they are) do one pushup here, jump back into center, jump back into regular pushup position, do another pushup, jump forward again to hands, then jump to the right and do another pushup, then repeat. So you should be doing a center pushup, left pushup, center pushup, right pushup. Each single pushup counts as one rep. If this is too hard you can omit the jumps or just do regular pushups until you are stronger, you may do this in a full pushup position or on your knees, do 15 reps combined however it works for you.
4. 25 Russian Squat Dance
start in a wide legged squat, lean your body to the left pouring all of your weight into the left heel and left glutes, extend your right leg out to the side as straight as you can with only the right heel touching the floor and the right toes up, squat even deeper on the left leg, come back to center and repeat to other side. If this is too hard start with a squat then step to the left and squat, come back to center and squat then step to the right, squat, repeat.
5. 10 Commando Killer Combos
these are tough!! start on your belly with hands on floor by the chest, push yourself up in a straight line do not arch your back, when you are in plank pull your right knee in, come back down to the ground, pushup again bringing your left knee in, come back to ground again, pushup a third time and jump both feet in towards your hands and come up in a low squat position, jump forward as far as you can landing into that low squat, take two squat jumps backward, then jump back and come down to floor...this was only 1 rep....ahhhhhh! Killers!
if this is too tough, you can do three pushups on your knees, then come up into a squat, try the jumps but if the jumps are too hard, do three regular squats, come back down to your knees and start again
If you are up for another challenge, I also ended up doing 100 squat jumps early that day and 40 bomb diver pushups, but trust me the first part of this workout is enough!
again if you are a beginner this workout is particularly tough, try just one set and go at your own pace.
Try to beat my time 27:25 I challenge you!!! Good luck people you are gonna need it!
This blog is dedicated to my friends, family and fitness. Exercise is a very important part of my life and I don't know where I would be without it. I truly hope to get others involved for it to do the same to them. All it takes is a few minutes each day to focus on ourselves. I know we all have busy lives and responsibilities but we need to be our best to be good at what we do. I hope you can all join me and take care of your bodies....after all we only get one.
About Me

- BriRauch
- I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!
No problem.
ReplyDeletethere are modifications mom!