100 High Knees
with chest out and core tight, bring one knee up to the chest, switch moving as quickly as you can, you may also jump rope instead if you have the space (I would demolish something in my little house)
15 Alternating Squat to Reverse Lunge & Twist (15 each leg)
start in a squat, hold hips low, abs tight and step back right leg into a lunge, with straight arms tap left hand outside of left foot, then windmill arms and tap right hand inside of left foot, push back into squat and switch. If this is difficult try not using the arms or just do alternating lunges.
25 Jack Squats
start in a squat with feet close together, staying low with the abs tight, jump out so the legs are wide, jump back in, STAY LOW! To ease this one just do regular jumping jacks
25 Body Rows or Pullups (or lat pull downs with an elastic tube)
Under a smith bar or dip station, keep body in a straight line with core tight and pull up squeezing your shoulder blades together as you open the chest. For more of a challenge do pullups. To make it easier secure an elastic band high, pull down the tube so that your elbows wing out and your shoulder blades squeeze together
100 High Knees
20 Squat Thrust to Side Plank Leg Lift
squat down and place hands on the floor, jump the legs back into plank with very tight abs, feet should be about hip width apart, lift the left arm up high as you twist the left hip up towards the ceiling, pause at the top and slowly lift the left leg up off the floor as high as you can-keep core super tight! Bring leg down and rotate to the right side and repeat. Then jump back up to a squat position and stand-repeat 20 times. To make this easier, avoid the jumps and step back and avoid the leg raise until you are ready. To make this challenging, add a pushup before each side plank.
25 Jack Squats
20 Knee In Butt Squeeze Pushup (10 on each leg)
start in a plank with core tight, as you descend down to the floor simultaneously bring your right knee in towards your right elbow, as you pushup bring the right leg back straight and lift up until you feel your butt squeeze but do not arch your back! To modify this you can do regular pushups or try them on your knees
100 High Knees
30 Chop Squats with Weight (15 on each side)
holding a dumbbell or medicine ball (or whatever you have that feels heavy enough for you) squat bringing the weight to your right foot, contract the abs as you stand up and rotate the ball over your left shoulder, keep weight moving in a diagonal line. Do 15 then switch sides. Make sure the weight is heavy enough for you to feel it. To make this easier you may obviously use a lighter weight or none at all (clasping the hands together)
25 Jack Squats
I did this workout in 17min and 23sec...good luck!!!
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