About Me

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I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cardio 100's

So I realize it has literally been just forever since my last blog! I wanted to write up a quick workout for everybody just to show that I am still here. First I would like to say life has been crazy busy! First season came here in sunny Florida and I was crazy busy at work. Then for some reason we decided to sell our house and it actually SOLD!! We did not really expect it to sell so incredibly fast (and right in the middle of season). So the working and packing took up a lot of time, on top of looking for a new house. As of right now we are in limbo, living at my gracious cousins place while we wait on a short sale to pull through (fingers crossed!!!!). Phew I am tired just recapping it all. With all that was going on, I barely got in any workouts. I did what I could but sadly it was not enough to keep me as toned as I was. So these last 2 or 3 months I have been working EXTRA hard to get all my muscles back and lose the couple pounds I packed on. So this workout is in honor of blasting that fat! I have also come up with several great workouts but it will take awhile for me to find a home and record all of those. For now I will simply write this workout and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Cardio 100's

25 Jumping Jacks
25 Squat Thrusts
25 Squat Jacks
25 Mountain Climbers
25 Squat Jumps

Repeat 4 times!!!!

100 High Knees at end

So this was NOT easy!!! Do it as fast as you can with good form. The squat thrusts are burpees without the pushup (squat down, put hands on floor, jump feet back into plank and jump back into squat and come up) these took the longest. The squat jacks look exactly like the jumping jacks only you hold a squat as you do them and keep hands on your hips or in front of you. With the mountain climbers and high knees the right AND left leg count as only ONE rep! So its right knee in, left knee in- ONE and so on. Do what you can and try really hard not to take any breaks!! Mine took a little less than 15 min and 30 seconds and I was sweating my butt off! Have fun and good luck!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fitness Tip: Make Your Own Medicine Ball at Home

Hi everyone!!!
So it has been awhile since my last post and I have a good reason! I caught a cold and was sick for a few days and had to rest my body which meant no exercise (which I honestly missed). So after I felt better I went back to work all stiff from my 3 days in bed and on the couch. I had a early morning client that day and I demonstrated an exercise for him, of course it was done correctly...I should have stopped there. However, I then decided to show him how NOT to do the exercise and ended up pulling a hip flexor! Man did I feel dumb- first my body was cold and stiff then I had bad form on purpose! As a trainer it is sometimes easier to show your client an improper form so they do not end up doing it and hurting themselves, problem is the trainer then puts themselves at risk. Ah the life of a trainer.
So pulling a hip flexor hurts like hell!! Yikes! So I have been trying to rest it as best I can, trouble is I still have to work, so the resting process has been a bit hindered. It feels like it is taking forever. I can not wait to get back to my workouts!! Exercise is part of my routine and my whole body misses it from my muscles to my sleeping patterns and mood (grrrr!). I will be glad to be back but I'm being careful. In the meantime I am training my arms and writing new routines that I can't wait to show you.

Also I have a little at home DIY project for you to try with some common household items. Medicine balls can range from 40-60 bucks (the one I have I got on sale for $39) so I thought one day of how I can make one on my own. All you need is a kids ball (99 cents at Walmart), a marinade injector (range from $4 and up) and some pvc cement glue (about $5-6). I had most of this stuff laying around already. The one I made I've had for almost a year now and it is holding up great, of course do not put all of your weight on it or slam it on the floor! I use it as an alternative dumbbell for abs, arms and just some added resistance, you may also hold it in between the knees gently to work your inner thighs durning squats or bridges. I also injected some water into a regular stability ball this same way.

Here is what you do...

1. Fill a quart size pitcher with water (One quart equals a little over 2 pounds)
2. Pull the water into your marinade injector and carefully put the needle into the air hole of the kids ball
3. Inject the water in by pushing down the handle

4. Repeat again and again until you reach your desired weight for the ball-it doesn't take as long as you think (I made mine 6 pounds and it just took a few minutes)
5. Dry the ball completely by the air hole and put a dab of the pvc glue, let dry an hour or two before you begin using it.

Piece of cake and you saved a bundle...Now workout! :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Exercise: Absolutely No Equipment Intense Cardio Burn

Holy cow this routine was super duper intense!! However it went by super duper fast too. There is no excuse not to do this one, you don't need a stitch of equipment, just you wonderful you! Watch the sweat pour, the calories drop while you tone your legs, arms and abs.

First you will do each of the exercises below 25 reps once through, then repeat doing 20, then 15, then 10, then (my favorite) only 5. I was hating this routine during but after I was so glad I did it. It flowed nicely and was quick. Of course I took a few brief breathers and then finished in 22min and 27sec, but felt much quicker than that-which I love ;)
See video for demos and modifications, there is a lot of jumping with this one but I modified it for you if you have any knee or back issues so don't be scared ;)

So first set 25, next 20, next 15, 10 and 5...Ready set go, then be proud of yourself!!!

Jumping Jacks
Squat Jacks
Jump Squats
Plank In and Out Jumps
Pushup Pointer (or just pushups)
In and Out Crunches with Side Twists (note: one rep counts as a left, a middle AND a right- O yeah it burns)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Exercise:Five Times a Charm Workout (for Upper Body)

This workout was inspired by a good friend and great trainer :). The object is to do each exercise for 10 repetitions and repeat everything 5 times. The first time I did a workout in this form I got so sore!! Thanks a lot Erin ;-). It is always good to switch up your exercise routine to keep from idling on a plateau. If you do the same exact routine over and over again your body will adapt to it and you will stop seeing changes. Your body is an amazing adapter, you have to shock it every once in awhile with a change up. Change the weights you are using, the repetitions, or even the order of your exercises. Below are the exercises, see the video for instruction and modification. Always be safe and keep that core tight!!

1. 10 Spiderman Pushups
2. 10 Pull Ups or Body Rows
3. 10 Jack Knives with weight (no weight for beginners)
4. 10 Single Arm Tricep Pushups
5. 10 Bicep Curls
6. 10 Bicycle Crunch (do 10 on each side, see video for modifications)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Exercise: Let the Fat Drop

This routine is sure to get you sweating! Of course it is up to you how hard you work, make sure you push yourself. See video for descriptions ;)
Repeat three times as quick as you can with the best form!

Side lunge with circle kick 20 -Left
Slider mountain climbers 20 each leg
Side lunge with circle kick 20 -Right

Seated pullups 20
Tube upper cuts 20 alternating each
Body Rows 20

Seated torso twists 20 each

I finished this in 22min

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Exercise: Get Luscious Legs

Get some smokin legs with this workout, it will tone and tighten every part of your lovely legs. See video for instructions and do as quickly as you can with good form and a nice tight core. Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year and making all your resolutions a reality! Keep up the good work!!!

20 Frog Squat Jumps
20 Plie Squats with weight
Repeat these three times total

15 Curtsey Cross and Kick each leg
Repeat this three times

20 Reverse Lunge Drop with weight each
20 Table Bridge Kick each
20 Side Plank Leg Raises each
20 Elevated Lunge into 15 Single Leg Sit Stands then switch legs

I finished this in 17min and 11sec

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Exercise: Loose the Love Handles and Feel the Love

Hi Everybody!!! HAPY NEW YEAR!!
I hope you all had a great New Years and are looking forward to 2012. The thing I like best about New Year is its a clean start, a new beginning to welcome change and to better ourselves and our lives. I wish every single one of you the very best of luck and I know when someone puts their mind to something and really commits to it, they can achieve whatever! Make this be your year to achieve whatever your hearts desire!

We are starting this year with a workout that focuses on working those obliques (the sides of your waist) with bursts of cardio to ensure we loose that fat on top of the nice muscles under there. It totally kicked my butt!! The cardio parts in here almost killed me, I had to take several "pause button" breaks but I finished. This is an interval train and use your own interval timer or use one online. I use http://www.beach-fitness.com/tabata/. Set the rounds for 36 (or 22 if you dont have the time to do 36 minutes). You will do 55 seconds on and 5 seconds off. There are 12 exercises total and you will repeat them 3 times (2 times if you choose to do the 22 seconds, but try-whats another 12 minutes when you went this far!)
Always warm up first by running in place, jumping jacks or anything that will increase your body temp a few degrees safely. Always remember to hold your core very tight!! It is up to you how hard you hold those abs. If you hold them like there is a corset around them, you will have a great, safe and efficient workout for your core. Good luck people and feel the love ;-)

See video for instructions and modifications:
55 seconds each exercise...repeat, repeat, repeat!

Side Crunch (left side)
Lunge with Chop
Side Crunch (right side)
Lunge with Chop

Kneeling Side Lean (left side)
Side Burpees
Kneeling Side Lean (right side)
Side Burpees

Standing Oblique Lean (left side)
Side Oblique Lean (right side)

Best Wishes!!!