About Me

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I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Exercise: Killer Stress and Fat Buster! "Ouch my shoulders!"

Ok people, it is crunch time for me...Im getting married!!! Ahhhh! By next Saturday I will be a wife, so forgive me if I am not able to pump out a bunch of workouts between now and then. Today I thought I would really get you guys with a killer one (and burn off some of my own stress)! This workout is for women AND men!! If you men think it looks too easy-try it I dare you!! If it was cake for you, you can feel free to comment and I will personally write a new insane workout just for you. It is a time challenge and see if you can beat my scores (down below the video). Keep your form, modify when you tire out and take breaks-be smart like I know you all are :-).

I saw this format online the other day and gave it a try. I loved it and put my own exercises to it. It's a type of pyramid building, where you layer sets on top of sets. For instance, first we start with exercise 1, then you finish and repeat 1 then add exercise 2, then you finish this and do exercise 1, exercise 2 then exercise 3, so each time you add another exercise you have to start all over again. So we will layer 5 exercises from 1 to 5 for your first set, then you switch it and go backwards and go 5 to 1 the same format for set 2. Essentially you will do six sets of each exercise by the very end. Confused yet? Watch the video from my little home gym room and it will be a little clearer ;-).

1) 2 Walking Lunges Forward, 4 Jumps Back (10 reps)
STAY LOW THE WHOLE TIME IF YOU CAN!!! but to modify, avoid the jumps and step back and squat and come up when needed...want more of a challenge? add weights....STAY LOW

2) 3 Walking Pushups, 10 Mountain Climbers (10 reps)
these are brutally tough if you stay on hands and toes the whole time (I needed breaks!!) to modify come down to the knees or reduce the pushups to 2 or even 1, if it is still difficult avoid the "walking" over....but if you still want more work? do a jumping pushup for you tough guys instead but still get the step overs to get those obliques

3) Body or Band Rows (15 reps)
the modification here is the band row, if you are super strong do pullups (or you can throw in a set or two to build up strength in between body rows) (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)

4)  Reverse Lunge with Kick, Jump Lunge Switch (10 reps each leg)
to make it easier avoid the jumps and just switch legs by stepping back, again to challenge it up grab some weights

5) Star Crunches or Regular Crunches (30 reps)
the easier one here is obviously the regular crunches, if you want a challenge do the star crunch and hold a dumbbell in your hands as you crunch up to make the abs mad at you, if your neck tires just hold your head with one or both hands (these are burners when you do set 2)
My scores: Holy crap that was hard!!! Those pushups pretty much killed me-seriously they were God awful but I kept my form and took breaks. I did the first set (numbers 1 to 5) in 32min and 16 sec. I was totally wrong about finishing in 15-20 like I said in the video-sheesh! I burned 378 calories (average 130lb woman-more if you weigh more). So for those of you who do not have the time, this first set only was a great little workout. But you tough guys keep going!! The second set (numbers 5 back up to 1) I finished in 22min and 22sec, this set was slightly easier because there were only 2 sets of those God awful pushups, and 227 calories burned.
So total time 54min and 38sec with 605 calories total.

PS please dont hate me after this workout, love ya guys!! xoxo

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