About Me

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I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Exercise: Worth the Sweat

Hi everyone!!
I am sorry this workout was overdue. I honestly have been a little stuck lately with my creativity. I still have been working out, but doing the same routines that I already have on here and trying to beat my old times. It is nice going back and seeing that you've improved!! So today I really let myself have it with this one! I needed a lot of breaks but I really pushed myself, and dare I say I even enjoyed some of the exercises. Hope you will too! Have fun, be safe and push yourself, once you get started its never as bad as you think!

This is an interval challenge, this time you will do a 90 second interval of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. You will be amazed at how much of a difference just a mere 40 seconds adds to your sets! Use the interval timer at http://www.beach-fitness.com/tabata/. I did this in 45 minutes. It was 27 rounds with 90 seconds on and 10 seconds off. Be sure to check the box that says "include the last rest" (thanks KT :)). However if you do not have time, you can just do 15 min with only 9 rounds (that would be doing only 1 set of each exercise)  or 30 min with 18 rounds (doing 2 sets of each exercise). You choose in accordance with your busy day :).

Explosive Squats: start in a squat holding your knees, jump up and out in a wide jumping jack and land softly back into a squat. To modify avoid the jump.

Medicine Ball Pushup and Pike Jump: start in a plank, hands on ball (or on floor in a diamond shape if you don't have a ball) and step your feet wide, jump both feet in squeezing your abs so you form an upside down V, jump back into plank and do one pushup, the chest should come as low as you can and keep those abs very VERY tight. To modify you do not have to do a full pushup, just go as low as you can muster, you will build strength and do better next time!! Also you can avoid the jumps with this as well.

Single Leg Squat LEFT: put right foot on medicine ball (or any ball or chair, or on the floor lightly) with a straight leg, with the left leg, bend the knee and send the hips back and as low as you can into a low squat, if you want a challenge you can keep a dumbbell on the shoulder of the leg you are working. To modify just do a smaller range of motion, do the best you can. You may also stand tall and step to the left and squat, step back and repeat same leg (see video)

Single Leg Squat RIGHT: you guessed it...like the above with opposite leg. You dont wanna be crooked  now do ya!

In and Out with Side Crunch: start on back with legs up and knees slightly bent (legs stay up the whole time), arms over head, contract your abs and pull your chest up and knees in, come back to start without letting your head and shoulders all the way down, put the right hand behind your head and left arm alongside the left side of your body on the floor, roll onto your left butt cheek, lift your torso up and pull the knees in, doing a waist "crunch" roll back into start and repeat alternating sides (see video). To modify keep your feet on the floor, do one regular crunch, then sway the knees to the right and crunch, then center, crunch, then left....repeat (in video as well)

Surrender Lunge: stay in a squat position, step the left leg back until the knee is on the floor (you may need a pillow for this one) take the left toes off the floor and push up with only the right leg, squat and switch. To modify do not set the knee all the way down.

2 Reptile Pushups and 5 Reptile Planks: in a plank position, come down towards the floor, pulling your right knee out towards your right elbow as you look at the knee, push up and place the leg back simultaneously, then switch, after these 2 pushups stay in a plank and just move the legs without the pushup 5 times total. If this is too tough, shorten your range of motion or omit the pushup entirely.

Hanging Knee Raises: on a dip station lift your body up and keep shoulders away from ears, contract your lower abs and pull knees into chest, slowly lower. If you do dont have a dip station you can hang from a pull up bar. If this is too much for your arms (it is tough!) lay on the floor and just pull the knees into your chest doing a lower crunch. (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)

10 Body Rows, 2 Pull Ups: hanging under a dip station or bar pull your body up in one straight line, abs tight until your shoulders blades squeeze together. (If you do not have a dip station you can sit and use your elastic band around your feet or under a couch and pull the band in towards you squeezing your shoulder blades).  After 10 rows, do 2 pull ups! If they are tough you can add a jump or step up from a chair...(no pull up bar either? Get one! Just kidding-although you should get one they are great!) hang your tube from the top of a door hinge and do pull downs instead. (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)

I had to break the video down in two parts, so there may be a little bit of an overlap...amateurish camera woman, remember ;0)
And here is your part 2 :)

With breaks included, I burned about 625 calories!! It was tough, but it was fun and definitely worth the sweat!!

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