About Me

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I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Info: Beautiful Benefits of Exercise Inside and Out

Beyond Aesthetics 
I wanted to post a blog on how important exercise is. Like I have said before, exercising regularly has literally changed my life. I constantly had headaches, neck aches, sleep problems, mood swings, caught colds and flus all the time, my skin was broken out, my self esteem was low, it was hard for me to stay focused, I tired easily, walking upstairs winded me, felt lazy all the time, my muscles were weak and soft, I had more stomach problems etc. After I began to place a routine in my life focusing on strength and cardio, slowly (and some quickly) all of these issues went away. Sure I still get headaches every now and then, and I get sick once a year, but overall my life is dramatically different and I am loving it. 
The reason I started this blog is to help people incorporate exercise into their lives and change their mental and physical health forever. So when you think about exercise go beyond the idea that it will make you look better and find that deep part of your body that is craving physical activity on all kinds of internal and external levels.
Here is a list I found on http://www.busywomensfitness.com that sums up some of the beautiful benefits exercise can bring to your life:
  • Exercise Benefit #1...Increased energy: The right combination of exercise and nutrition creates an hormonal environment conducive to fat loss, increased muscle strength and increased energy. When your body is working at peak efficiency, your energy levels soar!
    Everyday things become much easier to do.
  • Exercise Benefit #2...Increased Self-Esteem: Gaining control of your body size and weight through fitness is an amazing way to increase self-esteem. You look better and are more confident which empowers you in everything you do. You will find that the self-discipline required and learned through regular exercise spills over into other areas of your life and you will be better able to make other necessary and desireable changes.
  • Exercise Benefit #3...Increase Mental Focus: Did you know that the latest research shows that exercise helps keep the brain sharp well into old age? Anything that involves mental acuity (focus and concentration) is improved. You also stand a much better chance of avoiding such diseases as Alzheimer's and senility.
  • Exercise Benefit #4...Decreased Risk of a Heart Attack: By exercising regularly and making positive changes in your diet, you lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and greatly diminish the chances of having a heart attack.
  • Exercise Benefit #5...Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis: Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing exercise, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, and can even reverse it buy building bone tissue!
  • Exercise Benefit #6...Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer by up to 60%Estradiol and progesterone, two ovarian hormones linked to breast cancer tumor production are lowered in the body by exercise.
    A womans body is most susceptible to these hormones during the time between ovulation and menstruation. Habitual exercise can actually delay ovulation until later in the menstrual cycle. This reduces the time she must fight these hormones.
    Fat has long been known to be a catalyst in the production of estrogen (estradiol). Regular exercise burns body fat and thus decreases the rate of estrogen production.
    So there you have it!... A two pronged, cancer preventing exercise benefit!
  • Exercise Benefit #7...Increased Strength and Stamina: Every physical thing you do becomes easier which is immensely useful in everyday life.
  • Exercise Benefit #8...Reduced Depression: The production of Endorphins (Feel good hormones) is increased through exercise. Nothing improves mood and suppresses depression better than those endorphins.
  • Exercise Benefit #9...Decreased Stress Levels: The worries and stresses of everyday living (commuting, work demands, conflicts etc.) can stick with you long after the work day is done. Exercise right after work is the perfect natural therapy that can change your mood. You'll sleep better too!
  • Exercise Benefit #10...Well actually, here are another 50 benefits...
    • Improved digestion.
    • Enhances quality of sleep.
    • Adds a sparkle and radiance to complexion.
    • Improves body shape.
    • Tones and firms muscles.
    • Provides more muscular definition.
    • Enables weight loss and keeps it off, which makes it easier to qualify for affordable health insurance.
    • Makes you limber.
    • Improves endurance.
    • Burns extra calories.
    • Improves circulation and helps reduce blood pressure.
    • Increases lean muscle tissue in the body.
    • Improves appetite for healthy foods.
    • Alleviates menstrual cramps.
    • Alters and improves muscle chemistry.
    • Increases metabolic rate.
    • Enhances coordination and balance.
    • Improves posture.
    • Eases and possibly eliminates back problems and pain.
    • Makes the body use calories more efficiently.
    • Lowers resting heart rate.
    • Increases muscle size through an increase in muscle fibers.
    • Improves body composition.
    • Increases body density.
    • Decreases fat tissue more easily.
    • Makes body more agile.
    • Is the greatest body tune-up.
    • Reduces joint discomfort.
    • Improves athletic performance.
    • Enriches sexuality.
    • May add a few years to life.
    • Increases your range of motion.
    • Enhances immune system.
    • Improves glycogen storage.
    • Enables the body to utilize energy more efficiently.
    • Increases enzymes in the body which burn fat.
    • Increases the number and size of mitochondria in muscle cells.
    • Increases concentration of myoglobin (carries oxygen in muscles) in skeletal muscles.
    • Enhances oxygen transport throughout the body.
    • Improves liver functioning.
    • Increases speed of muscle contraction and reaction time.
    • Enhances feedback through the nervous system.
    • Strengthens the heart.
    • Improves blood flow.
    • Helps to alleviate varicose veins.
    • Increases maximum cardiac output.
    • Increases contractility of the heart's ventricles.
    • Increases the weight and size of the heart.
    • Improves contractile function of the whole heart.
    • Makes calcium transport in the heart and body more efficient.

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