About Me

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I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Exercise: 12 Minute Workout

So I am pumping out another workout for you guys. I want you guys to have a bunch of options because I want to keep you moving!!  For now I also have time on my hands to blog these for you (thats why Im trying to do so many), when winter season comes around, my life gets pretty crazy. But as crazy as it gets I still try to get my 15 minutes a day, at least. This workout is a super duper fast one. If you would like to make it longer to an 18 minute workout please feel free (just do another round of each exercise)! It is nice to have the option for a quick workout for those of us who truly are so busy during the week. If you cant find 12 minutes in one day for yourself, there is a serious problem and you need to ask someone for help (like busy moms, ask dads or other family or friends to help a girl out!). Have a great workout it will be over before you know it. If you guys like this and want more 12 minuters lemme know! Please listen to your bodies if something does not feel right, always be safe. Read the instructions then watch the tutorial.

This workout is a time challenge. Go to http://www.beach-fitness.com/tabata/ and use their interval timer. Set the rounds at 12, the "on" for 50 seconds and the "off" for 10 seconds.

1. Surfer Burpee
start on your belly with the hands, palms down besides the chest and the elbows pointing out, push your body up in a STRAIGHT line with your abs tight (the whole body should come up as one unit), from the top of a pushup position, jump the legs in a staggered stance towards the left and stay low in a squat, like you just jumped up on a surf board make one jump, squat low to the floor, place your hands down and jump back into a pushup position and lay all the way on the floor, the next rep you will jump towards the right. If this is too tough, come to the knees from the pushup then come up in a straight line, also you may step back instead of jumping.

2. Posture T's and Y's
I used a TRX with this exercise (if you want a demo of TRX exercises let me know by commenting below), if you are at home you can use super light weights or even bottles of water. Lay on your belly, forehead on floor, with the arms out to the sides like a T, start to squeeze your shoulder blades together and lift the arms, bring arms down and then make a Y with arms over the head, palms facing each other, lift the arms up as high as you can. Alternate between T's and Y's you should feel upper back. If this is too tough omit the weight.

3. Break Dance pushup
in a crab position (seated with hands behind you, knees bent, lift your butt up and hold) lift the left leg and thread it underneath your right, take your right arm up and turn the body until you are in a pushup position, hold that left leg up as you do one pushup, then return back to crab. switch sides (video will show you :)) if this is too tough omit the pushups but still do the crab into the twist.

4. Lunge Hold with Twist
hold a low lunge, right leg in front and not letting knee go past your toes holding a weight, turn the body to the right 2 times, then switch legs, make sure you are low.

5. Commando Pushup to Squat & Jump Combo
on your belly, hands besides chest, palms on floor, elbows out, push your body up in a STRAIGHT line and pull the left knee in to the chest, come down, do it again bringing the right knee in, come down, come up again and jump the legs into a squat, jump high and land in a squat, repeat. If this is too tough, do the pushup from the knees then straighten out, also you can step into a squat instead of jumping.

6. Body Row with Kick
on a bar hang in a straight line do one pull up squeezing the shoulder blades, as you come back down you will kick the left leg up, then switch (see video). Or you can do regular rows or attach a band at waist level to something sturdy as you pull the band hold it back, squat and jump (if this is too hard omit jump)(to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)

I was brave enough to put up some post workout pics so you can see just  how hard I was working (kind of) its hard to capture a breathless, sweaty person....I look happy to be done. Phew that was tough! Good luck people, get your sweat on!

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