This workout was one that I did when my mom was visiting for the week (my sister came later too-yay!). I love it when my family comes, but I do lose my routine- I eat worse and miss some sweat sessions. Although we were pretty busy setting up for my wedding shower I still missed having a good hard workout. So I came up with this one to attempt to negate the dessert I had the night before (this week I def cheated on my 3 cheat meals-I think I had 5!!). As you can see I was trying to ease the sense of guilt I had ;). As fun as it was to eat all that food at the time, I felt like crap when it was all said and done! My whole body felt the effects of too much sugar, not enough exercise and too little sleep. Although I am super sad to see my family go (SUPER sad and lonely) I am looking forward to at least getting back on track.
This is a time challenge workout and it was tough, my mom even came around the corner to see if I was ok- the grunting was a little alarming for her. After this workout I was covered in sweat from head to toe and it took me forever to find my breath but oh my God it felt amazing! This just tells you the level you should be at, one day I will be brave and try to film myself after a workout so you can see how hard I try (showing an entire workout is too long to put on this website).
I finished in 22 minutes, if you want to get serious you can do everything 2 times (I plan on this later today to make up for all those dessert cheat meals I had). Good luck, have fun and alway listen to your body! Make sure to look at the video for more descriptive instructions :)
1. Lunge with Back Leg Elevated (20 then 20 small hops)- start in an extra wide lunge stance with one leg elevated up on a chair or bench, with the front leg bend your knee so that it is in alignment with your front ankle and push up. For an extra challenge use weight, to modify hold on to something for balance or keep the back leg on the floor. Do 20 then drop your weights if you have them and do 20 hops in the same position pushing through the front leg-super burn!
2. Burpee with Overhead Press (20)- start holding one weight with two hands, press the weight up above eye level-not directly over your head, bring the weight down all the way to the floor squatting as you do so. Place the weight on the floor then your hands right under each shoulder, jump the legs back into a pushup position, do one tricep pushup (elbows close to the rib cage), jump back towards hands, grab your weight and repeat....a horrible 20 times!! or as many as you can-pushing yourself!!!
3. Body Rows or Tube Row (20)- underneath a bar, your body in a straight line, tight abs pull your body up squeezing your shoulder blades. If you do not have a body bar you can sit with a very straight back, abs tight with an elastic tube wrapped around your feet or a couch, pull the tube towards you squeezing your shoulder blades-make sure that tube is very tight, you should be very tired by the 15th rep. (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
4. Pull Up Burpee (20)- start by a pull up bar or a tube that is attached to something sturdy and high. Squat down to the floor, place hands down and jump back into a pushup position, do one pushup and jump back to standing, grab the pull up bar or tube and pull, release and repeat. (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
5. V Sit Ups with Twist (20)- lay on the floor holding a weight with 2 hands over your head and low back flat to the floor, contract your abs and lift the legs and upper body until you are in a V position, twist the weight to one side then the other and slowly with control lower. If this is too tough use only one leg and keep the other knee bent and on the floor alternating each rep.
6. Side Burpee (10 each side)- squat down to the floor and place hands down, jump to the right side with both legs, as you land the right leg should be in the front staggered stance, lower down and do a pushup, jump back to start and switch sides. If this is too tough, step the legs instead of jumping and do your best with a pushup, it can be a little one ;)
7. Body Rows or Tube Row (20)- same as above.
8. V Sit Ups (20)- repeat the above V sit but without the twist.
This blog is dedicated to my friends, family and fitness. Exercise is a very important part of my life and I don't know where I would be without it. I truly hope to get others involved for it to do the same to them. All it takes is a few minutes each day to focus on ourselves. I know we all have busy lives and responsibilities but we need to be our best to be good at what we do. I hope you can all join me and take care of your bodies....after all we only get one.
About Me

- BriRauch
- I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!
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