It has been quite awhile since I felt like I would puke during a workout (never did :)) but today, I almost did, emphasis on almost. Sounds scary right, bet you are intrigued though. I got this idea from another routine I saw online. This is a time challenge. DO YOUR BEST!!! Exercise will never get you the benefits you want without the hard work, and I mean HARD work. If it was easy everyone would be in perfect shape. Use the "mind over matter" technique. Your mind is a stubborn little brat sometimes, you would be amazed if you let your body take over and shut that little mind up for awhile. I will show you all the exercises in a video and include modifications. Start with the full exercise and when you get tired you may switch to the modification. Breaks are definetly allowed of course, but limit the time-shake it off and move on. Read the instructions first then have a look at the tutorial. Good luck kids this one is a killer!
100 high knees with chest out and abs tight, lift knees as high as possible and move fast, these should be almost too fast to count
90 jump squats with chest out and abs tight squat as low as you can and jump up propelling through you quads and glutes, squeeze the glutes at the top and land in a squat. If this is too tough omit the jump, still tough, sit and stand from a chair
80 V crunches laying on the floor with abs tight and navel pulled to spine start to lift the torso and both legs into a V shape, arms should stay over head, to modify one degree keep one knee bent and foot on the floor, if still tough try just regular crunches
70 single arm swings (35 each arm) this exercise is a movement that originates in the hips and core, with one hand holding a kettle bell or dumbbell, stand with legs wide and abs super tight, straight back, start to swing the weight in between the legs, strongly contract your hips and thrust them forward without arching your back (super important part, your abs should contract in order to keep your back from arching), in turn the arm with the weight should rise up about shoulder height. If this is too tough try a dumbbell row in a lunge position.
60 side lunges alternating with legs wide and abs tight, start to lean the body to the left and send the hips back, sticking your butt out, all your upper body weight should be pouring into your left glute, propel the body to the opposite side by using the left glute and add a small hop, switch sides. If it is too tough omit the hop. Never let the knee go over the toes, the hips should go back in order to get low, not bending the knees forward.
50 reptile plank alternating in a plank position with abs very strong, navel to spine, pull the left knee to the outside of your left elbow and look at the knee creating a "crunch" for the left waist, switch sides, each knee in equals one. If this is too tough you can pull the knee in under you, if your shoulders get weak, come down to your elbows and forearms.
40 single leg squat kicks (20 on each leg) with a chair or sturdy object hold on as you squat down on your left leg as low as you can without letting your knee go past your toes, the opposite leg is straight in front of you, propel yourself up by squeezing your glute and do a backwards kick with your right leg, do 20 then switch legs. If this is too tough you do not have to go down as low, do mini squats, you may also omit the kick backs
30 jack push ups in a pushup/plank position start with your feet very close together, start to do a pushup, at the same time you descend you will jump your legs apart wide like a jumping jack, as you push yourself up, jump the legs back together. If this is tough try regular full pushups-as many as you can!!! If it is still hard, go down to the knees (try the full pushups first!!!)
20 burpee start standing abs tight, squat down to the floor and place hands down, jump into a plank position, do one pushup, as you pushup try to jump the legs forward into a squat position, jump and reach arms up high, then land softly in a squat
10 pull ups do what you can!! I do one at a time and place my feet on the floor after each rep. If you need help, keep a foot on a chair nearby (make sure it is sturdy) if you do not have a pull up bar or to make this even easier, use an elastic tube up high and pull down squeezing your shoulder blades(to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
So I completed one round of this in 22 min and 57 seconds, it was a tough workout but after it felt great! "After" meaning about 10 min after I caught my breath :) good luck everyone-Beat my time!!
This blog is dedicated to my friends, family and fitness. Exercise is a very important part of my life and I don't know where I would be without it. I truly hope to get others involved for it to do the same to them. All it takes is a few minutes each day to focus on ourselves. I know we all have busy lives and responsibilities but we need to be our best to be good at what we do. I hope you can all join me and take care of your bodies....after all we only get one.
About Me

- BriRauch
- I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!
I pulverized your time at 11 minutes and 45 seconds!!
I had a follower report she burned 400 calories during this routine wearing her heart monitor, keep in mind everyone will burn calories differently depending on weight. Nice Job Sugar!!