Here is another Leg Routine for you guys. Scotty came home from work the other night wanting a quick leg workout, so I made one for him and he did it in 10min!! The next day I intended on at least matching that but I ended up with a time of 16:30, nice job Scotty! So the first half of the workout is a time challenge, it was inspired by a workout another co-worker, Erin, made a few months ago that kicked my butt. Thanks Erin! Make sure you watch your form and really get low with your squats, do the best lunges possible for you, get those leg kicks up there. Do your best, this workout is for you and your lovely legs. Whats nice about this workout is it can be modified into a beginner routine by simply using your own body weight. For you advanced people hold a couple pair of dumbbells during some sets. Also I would like to add after this routine Scotty could barely talk to me and I was sweating like crazy. Ok enough said, now get to work ;)
Time Challenge
1. 20 Squats: with or without dumbbells (Scotty and I both used 20lb bells)
send your hips back until your thighs come parallel to the ground, knees should NOT go past your toes, try to keep knees right above ankles with 80% of your weight in your heels, make sure chest stays up, as you come up squeeze your butt and push through your heels
2. 40 Jump Squats: no weights, land softly and stay low throughout set
3. 20 Reverse Lunges Alternating: with or without weights, note this is 20 EACH leg
take a wide step back with your left leg and start to bend both knees, right knee should stay right above your right ankle, come as low to the ground as you can without letting your left knee touch the ground, as you come up, squeeze your butt and push through your right heel, then switch legs
4. 40 Jump Lunges: without weights, make sure you are jumping very wide and landing softly, at the end you are going to hold the last lunge and move into step 5
5. 40 (Immediate) Mountain Climbers: from the last lunge put your hands on the ground and jump and switch legs 40 times
6. 20 Side Plank Side Leg Knee In and Kick: 20 on EACH leg, if you have ankle weights go for it
in a modified side plank: lay on your right side, right knee bend and right elbow under right shoulder, lift right hip from floor, pull left knee in towards you slightly dropping your right hip down (but dont touch floor) then kick out left leg straight and raise it up high as you also lift right hip high off floor
7. 20 Curtsey Lunges: with or without weights, 20 EACH leg
standing tall cross the left leg behind you (far back and wide) and bend both knees like you are curtseying to the queen, the weight should all be in your right leg (the leg in front), come down low as you can and push up through your right heel and hip/butt. Switch
8. 40 Frog Hops: without weights
with wide legs, toes pointing outward, bend knees out to the sides until your finger tips can touch the floor, STAYING LOW jump forward and up softly and land so hands touch floor again, then jump up and back-these are KILLER!
1. Single Leg Squat with Back Kick: 25
with this one your may use a chair or counter, hold the right leg up in front of you, with the left leg squat down as low as you can sending the butt way back and not letting your knees go past your toes, then come up and kick the right leg behind you like a karate kick
2. Squatting Side Walk with Tube: 25 each way
step on a tube, holding the band handles either on your hips or up by your shoulders, send your hips back low and hold a mini squat, with toes pointing directly forward the whole time step out to the side as wide as you can pushing the resistance of the tube, step out as many steps as you can then go back, keep going till you hit 25 steps each way (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
Repeat: these last 2 steps another time
My second run doing this one I burned 360 calories, but my time was bad!! I went up almost 3 whole minutes. It took me 29min to complete the entire workout (second set included phew!)
Yet again Jack makes an appearance in the video and Ted too....if you look close Jack is busted for trying to break into his food ottoman! Sorry about my head being cut off too, one day I'll get the hang of it.
On a side note, I apologize I STILL have not gotten a new heart rate monitor!! Ugh! Things have been a little crazy lately-Im getting married soon! Yay!! So as you can imagine its been pretty hard to keep up with everything. I am trying really hard to get as many blogs in with workouts as I can during my off season at work. When winter comes into gear around here, I will not have as much time to do this. So I hope I get a variety of routines on here. If there is ANY routine you guys want more of let me know. The next routine will be an all over body one. Thanks guys!
This blog is dedicated to my friends, family and fitness. Exercise is a very important part of my life and I don't know where I would be without it. I truly hope to get others involved for it to do the same to them. All it takes is a few minutes each day to focus on ourselves. I know we all have busy lives and responsibilities but we need to be our best to be good at what we do. I hope you can all join me and take care of your bodies....after all we only get one.
About Me

- BriRauch
- I am a personal trainer originally from Chicago. I have been living in sunny Florida for about 11 years now. Here is where I found my career. The best part of my job is seeing someone grow in confidence, pride and strength. I am truly blessed to have my job. I hope I can help influence others to gain a happier, healthier life through this blog. I hope everyone enjoys!!
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