make sure to read the description first, not all of the exercises are in order
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well! I have a new workout for you all that requires an interval timer. I usually use Beach Fitness online timer. It is super simple to use. The site is For the rounds put the number 27, for the "on" put 50 seconds and for the "off" put 10 seconds. When you are ready just push start and go for it. You will hear a beep when the set is over, then you get the 10sec break, then another beep for the next exercise. So as you can guess you will be doing 9 different exercises for 50 seconds with 10 second breaks in between for you to rush to the next exercise. Do as many reps as humanly possible with GOOD form in the 50 seconds. Three sets of each exercise. If you need a longer break you can just push the "pause" button at the bottom of the screen. The workout takes 27 minutes.
So this workout was super tough for me, I had a really hard time. Be sure to push yourself, after I was all done and sweaty I was super proud I pushed through it. I did three sets of each exercise when I wanted so badly to stop at two sets, I strongly urge you to go for the three!!! Good luck and feel free to ask for any assistance, again if something does not feel right or you feel it may be more harmful than helpful-DONT DO IT! In other words exercise at your own risk :)
Dive Bomber Pushups:
Body Row or Tube Row:
Dynamic Squats:
start with feet together, chest up, simulatneously jump wide and squat, bringing hands to floor (chest still up!) then jump back together, make sure you get low
Yoga 1/2 Pushup:
start on hands and toes with hands directly under your shoulders and feet hip width, bend your elbows in so they brush your rib cage, pause at the bottom a few inches from the floor and slowly bring the chest up and arch the back, pull in the abs and come back into starting position. If this one is too tough, try just a narrow pushup on the knees: hands under shoulders bring chest down and push up.
Pull up or Lat Pull down:
in an overhand grip, grab onto pull up bar and pull yourself up, if you need to use a chair to make it easier, place one foot on the chair. If you dont have a pull up bar just attach your elastic tube to something high (like the top of a door hinge) and pull the tube into you, elbows passing the rib cage and squeezing the should blades, make sure the elbows come out wide with this one as you pull (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
Skater Lunges:
on the left leg squat down towards the floor with the right leg behind you, try to reach for the floor with the right hand, then jump to the side landing on the other leg and repeat the squat, move back and forth like this so you look like an inline skater, the wider you jump the more you will feel the hips and butt
Stability Ball Crunch:
with lower back on ball hold one weight above chest, head and shoulders off the ball, lift the body higher as you squeeze your abs, reaching the weight straight up for the ceiling then lower. If this is too tough do without the weight or if you dont have a ball just crunch from the floor, you may also leave the weight out with this one until you are stronger (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
on hands and toes with the butt up (like an upside down V again) lift the left leg to the side, then switch, do this move fast gaining momentum along the way, make sure you keep those abs very tight, you should feel your hips, obliques, abs, and shoulders (this is a tough one) if it is too hard just move slower
Stability Ball Pike Up:
roll out on the ball off your belly so that your hands are on the floor and your shins are on the ball, your abs should be super tight and you are in a straight line, with your stomach pull your butt up high (again looking like an upside down V) pause and then lower to that straight not arch your back!! If you dont have a ball just hold a plank (hands and toes on the floor with body in a straight line) then contract your abs and lift the butt up in the air, pause and lower to plank. (to get equipment see to the right and scroll through)
Good luck everyone this is a tough routine if you truly push yourself to the max doing as many as you can, remember do three sets!! They go by super fast!
Here are my reps if you want to compete!!
Dive Bomber: 14, 14, 12
Body row: 21, 21, 21
Dynamic squats: 30, 28, 26
Yoga pushup: 15, 13, 12
Pull ups (with 1 leg on a chair) 18, 17, 15
Skater lunges: 25, 25, 22
Crunch (with 8 pounds): 25, 22, 24
Pendelum: 70, 60, 60
Pike up: 14, 12, 12
Pike up: 14, 12, 12
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